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   If you'd like to see your artwork posted up here, please send it along with your name (real or nick), email address (optional), picture title, and a short description (please keep "baby talk" to a minimal). PLEASE, if possible, send only GIF's or JPG's (Zipped GIF/JPG's are fine too), since they are small and are viewable online. Also, PLEASE try to keep the dimensions at a minimal as well -- no more than 900 x 900, please. I don't want my visitors waiting for a half hour for images to download. Thanks ^^.


[ Gallery Artists A-M ] | [ Gallery Artists N-Z ]
* Artists sorted by last name (if no real name given, then by alias).

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Joe and Goma Snooze
.  "Joe and Gomamon Snooze" by Aardwulf.
Artist's Description:

   This image is a pen-and-marker piece of the pair sleeping on the subway, from...that one episode, when they're looking for Kari...yeah. 9.9 One of my first attempts at drawing them, but it looks okay, regardless, I guess.

Goma Frolics
.  "Gomamon Frolics" by Aardwulf.
Artist's Description:

   This image is a coloured pencil sketch of Gomamon capering mindlessly about. I'm fairly pleased with how this one turned out, for a change.

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Kawaii Kitty

Joe Sleeps
.  "Jyou Sleeps" by Kawaii Kitty.
  [ No description given ]

Joe Portrait
.  "Jyou Photo" by Kawaii Kitty.
  [ No description given ]

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Disclaimer: Digimon, Joe, and Gomamon are © and TM to BANDAI, Toei Animation, Fox, and Saban.
Joemamon & SLWP © 2000 to Stephanie Ratté.
Art, stories, and any other fan-related items are © to their original creators, writers, designers, etc. and have been used with permission or upon their request.
TCoR site and design © 2000 to Stephanie Ratté; re-managed September 2000.
If you can actually read this, your eyesight's better than mine ^^;